Successful members

At the age of 39, and feeling my health and fitness was sliding, I was in need of a program that would wake me up and get me to reach my goals of being healthier, fitter, and happier. After seeing many social media posts from Xavier Sanchez and his fitness program, I chose to jump on board and see if he could help.
Well, I’ll let my results speak for themselves:
21lbs Lost. Muscle Gained. Muscle Definition Seen. Down 4 Pant Sizes. Energy Gained
Confidence Increased. Workouts are perfect. Sex is more enjoyable. Increased stamina/endurance.
I have reached a point where this way of eating and working out has become manageable and maintainable. I am so excited about my results with the Dream Body Project. I tell people “it’s Amazing!! It’s more than just a fitness program, it’s a “Getting My Life Right” program.

I’m a mom of 2, and when I had my kids my life and body changed drastically, gaining over 60lbs. Always tired! I needed to find myself again. I did all the quick weight loss programs, only to gain it all back. I joined the Dream Body Project because enough was enough. Let me tell you, it was lifechanging!! I learned so much about myself, about nutrition, about exercise and became so much happier with myself and my relationship with food.
As a bonus I lost over 27lbs! I feel stronger, more energetic and this is only the beginning.

I've lost just about 17 pounds with One Vision Fitness and the Dream Body Project. I've lost inches in my waist, hips and shoulders. After having 2 back-to-back pregnancies I lost my confidence but have gained it back through this program. I have more stamina and energy to run behind my toddler and do so many other activities with her. I believe the biggest thing I've learned with this program is that I can't control everything that goes on in my life but I can control myself. I'm doing this for me and no one else. I have to keep myself accountable and yes I messed up sometimes, but Xavier is always there to listen, help and push you forward. He practices what he preaches and the level of support I've received from not only Xavier but other members exceeded my expectations.

In all my years of fitness, no one has impacted my life greater. Xavier literally laid everything out that I needed in order to be successful in attaining my health and fitness goals. I got in the best shape I’ve ever been, kept up with three boys, enjoyed a pregnancy that caused minimal physical discomfort, had an unremarkable delivery, and created great habits! You literally can not lose(except some fat) with a guy like X cheering you on! I look forward to another journey of getting myself back after having my fourth baby!

This program has been quite a positive and motivational experience for me. The steps and videos are easy to follow, and get yourself started for the day or week. Xavier has been very positive and explained everything to me, he answered my every question or concern. But he’s not all cupcakes and rainbows, he’s real and there have been many times that I NEEDED that tough love. During my time with OVF I have dropped 39lbs and it’s been amazing. I still get to enjoy the great meals with my husband and grandkids. Loved it so much that I joined as a lifelong member after completing my project. Super exciting. I would highly recommend this program to anyone and everyone.

I found Xavier after four years of trying every diet out there to lose the weight I had gained during a period of intense stress. Xavier crafted a plan for nutrition and exercise that was personally tailored to me and my specific goals. Then he supported me every single step along the way to my goal. I grew to understand that it is ultimately my choice and my responsibility to follow the plan, but at the same time, I benefitted so much from Xavier’s support and accountability. He pushed me when I got lazy, reigned me in when I got impatient and wanted to do something drastic, believed in me even when I had setbacks, and encouraged me all the way to the finish line. I honestly don’t think I would have succeeded without him. The Dream Body Project helped me to lose almost 21lbs and I couldn’t be happier. My goal now is to maintain the weight I’ve lost and continue to tone and strengthen my body.

Last year I was a year postpartum with our fourth child, the oldest was 6, working full time, working out, eating better but only focusing on me and my fitness goals when it wasn’t too inconvenient. I decided to sign up with Xavier and make my goals a priority for 90 days 🤪 well it’s a good thing I stick with the promises I make myself cause everything that could happen in those 90 days did. Sickness, holidays, school breaks, quarantine, selling a house, buying a house, moving, big work projects, birthdays, anniversaries 😳 but I did what I was told, drank ALL the water, tracked my food, did the work outs and I lost 18lbs and 4.8% body fat! Before I’d always hit a plateau and get frustrated and back off my effort but this time X held me accountable and pushed me even when I doubted things and I proved to myself it was possible to get the results I wanted. So, for those that are feeling discouraged know it’s possible to slay your goals, days/weeks/months won’t go as planned but do your best, and the progress will come. The time will pass regardless so do what you came to do.

90 DAYS with Coach X and the Dream Body Project. I was so excited and very nervous all at the same time. I was not sure what to expect but I knew mentally I was ready to make a change and work as hard as possible to get results. Coach X made this program very easy to follow he made sure I was on track 100% of the time and gave me the push I needed, even when times were getting difficult due to the entire Covid Situation. It made me stronger. I definitely didn’t disappoint. I have more energy, more confidence, feeling 100% better overall, my whole nutrition focus has completely changed. Not craving junk food, candy and sweets at all. Lost over 21lbs and 43 Inches overall #OVF #DreamBodyProject

In all honesty I joined the 90 Dream Body Project to support my wife who wanted to do it. By the way she lost a ton of weight and looks freaking hot! My expectations were low since I already kind of knew what to do to get in shape. That quickly changed! Xavier truly challenged me and helped me to push myself. Workouts were intense yet doable. Small habits seemed impossible at first, and by the end they were as easy as brushing my teeth. I’m so glad I joined the program because I quickly realized I was in worse shape than I had thought. Didn’t even realize I had 23lbs to lose, but now without them, EVERYTHING feels so much easier.

I’m 62, recovering from knee surgery, and plainly put, there just aren’t a lot of programs out there for someone like me. Plus, I love my wine. We all here now plans will be custom and tailored but they never really are. In comes Xavier and his Dream Body Project. A plan where I was able to walk, enjoy some wine, and lose 30lbs. You can’t beat that. He was extremely supportive and always willing to teach me about nutrition. I was so in love with my results that I joined as member after my project.

As a working mom, I needed a program that was accommodating to my busy schedule yet held me accountable so that I could reach my goals. I wasn’t looking for an easy fix or any kind of fad diet. One Vision Fitness’ DBP was exactly what I was looking for! X created a program that was 100% doable and tailored to meet my needs. I was set up with guidelines to meet all of my nutrition goals and weekly workouts that challenged me. His consistent coaching and data talks analyzing my progress set me up for success! If you are ready to crush goals and take control of the type of life you want to live, I would highly recommend One Vision Fitness!